废文网 - 言情小说 - 八声甘州在线阅读 - 一

    Part I Please retell Unit 1 AR1: Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa

    This text is a newspaper article with individual examples of job searching and problems after graduation. ?The problems are examined from different people’s viewpoints: parents’ attitudes towards their jobless children, students’ quote about looking for jobs, psychologists’ summary of the viewpoints of parents and advice for dealing with the problems, and the author’s own comments In the end the author concludes that if the graduates can not find an ideal job, they can take a temporary one.

    Part I Please retell Unit 1 AR2: If you ask me

    This is an informal and personalized account of an economic graduate who gets a job in a pub for a year and then has an opportunity to be successful (a lucky break). Since her family can’t support her to further study, she has to work. She has financial problems and feels lonely She tells her troubles to Tony, a regular customer of the pub, who talks to some friends and gets her a loan to set up a business. With this help she has her master’s degree and her own company. The situation, however, ?is reversed Tony is disabled after an accident and needs the repayment of the loan to adapt his house for his disability. At the end of the story, the theme of the story is revealed –investing in people gives the best return

    Part I Please retell Unit 2 AR1: Danger! Books may change your life

    Reading is a life-changing activity. It helps us enter a new world and liberate us from the real world we come from; it stimulates our emotions and allows us to enjoy and celebrate the variety and difference from books; it aids us to get out of confusion in a material world and to discover the real meaning of life. Simply put, books are supremely influential in the way we live.

    Home-run book might be the answer for the book that everyone should read. It describes the first reading experience that induces such pleasure and satisfaction that you cannot put it down and it may range from the classics to the most recent. Everyone is looking for their own home-run books. And what is yours?

    Part I Please retell Unit 2 AR2: They were alive and they spoke to me

    Henry Miller depicts the struggle he made to obtain books when he was young, and then introduces the reason that makes a book live — that is, the enthusiastic recommendation of one reader to another. In his eyes, books are one of the few things men cherished deeply, but if you lend it to others,